Ready To Cut CNC Art

Requests - Read This First


Fast - Simple - Affordable - Best - Hand Drawn DXF SVG for CNC

time is usually 2 to 4 business days after payment

I specialize in freehand drawing and challenging jobs based on hard to convert source images.

Read following posts for instructions and more information.
To Post a New Request

Click and type in the text input field at the top of the page and it will expand to a post input form.

Then click on More-Options to expand further to enter detailed request specs in custom fields.

I will reply with any questions and or an inline payment form that looks kind of like this
it is a secure transaction, window and connection generated and managed by PayPal
I do not have access or control over the form inputs, operations, information, or results
So it is safe and secure to use and enter payment information
I will get a payment notification from PayPal when the transaction is complete


Once you pay, payment indicates agreement, I will start the job, and change the payment link to say PAID - Thanks

When finished, I will post a message with the file(s) attached.

Only you will be able download the vector file attachments.

Other members and visitors cannot download the vector file attachments.

Everyone can view all other non-vector image attachments and correspondence.

See Private Requests below to hide all files, images and correspondence.
request one design at a time with clear accurate title. Do not use title like "help" or "need cut paths" or "can this be done"

only combine multiple designs in one post if they fit together or have some common set of dimensions or direct connection to one another - do not create multiple posts that repeat or reference one another

upload your image(s) and specify the desired size range plus other relevant info

if not for plasma cutting please specify what cutting platform you will be using

after submitting your request, you will get a notice when I respond

you will get an email notice unless you opt out of email notifications in your profile

SignTorch files are subject to SignTorch Terms and Conditions
Private Requests

Click the Private Request forum link at the top of the CNC Art Requests forum.

To create a private request that is not visible to other members.

Private requests costs more due to lack of publicity.
Free Requests

Click the Free Request forum link at the top of the CNC Art Requests forum.

To submit a free request.

For a good reason, or a good cause, I don't mind doing what I can to help out.

Pay it forward...

If it is not a plausible free request, I may move it to the regular paid request section.
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